4 Commercial Heat Pump Maintenance Tips For Winter

Commercial heat pump maintenance is a priority for commercial property owners. A functioning heat pump may be the difference between a bearable or miserable winter. While there’s much you can do on your own in terms of maintenance, it’s essential to get professional help to properly maintain your heat pump.

Not all heat pump owners understand the importance of commercial heat pump maintenance. To get you started, we’ll walk through four commercial heat pump maintenance tips and teach you why you should seasonally maintain your HVAC.

1. Keep Your Heater Away From the Elements

Ensure snow, ice, or fallen frozen leaves do not accumulate on your heat pump’s outdoor unit. For top-notch protection, build a winter cover that shelters the outdoor unit.

Ice and snow may cause damage to the components of your heat pump’s outdoor unit. When ice melts and comes into contact with metallic parts of your HVAC, it may cause rusting. 

Water from melted snow or ice may even cause an electric malfunction, leading to severe consequences, such as a house fire. These elements may also clog up the passageway and pollute the heat pump’s air, denying you fresh air. 

Commercial HVAC Maintenance Tips CTA2. Hire a Maintenance Professional

Although you are tempted to save a few dollars and attempt some repairs yourself, heat pump maintenance is a technical job that sometimes requires a professional.

Hire a qualified maintenance partner to:

  • Change your heat pump’s filters
  • Conduct thorough visual inspection
  • Check connections and drain lines 
  • Clean the evaporator and condenser coils. 

Some repairs may threaten your safety, while others may go against the manufacturer’s recommendation, invalidating any claims for a warranty. So it is best to hire a maintenance professional.

3. Elevate Your Heat Pump

Elevate your outdoor unit 4 to 8 inches above ground level to decrease the likelihood of contact with water.

You should also keep your heat pump away from any potential source of dripping water, like a leaking gutter. The dripping water may freeze solid and restrict airflow when it drops on the HVAC, causing the entire unit to freeze up. 

4. Seasonally Maintain Your HVAC

As winter approaches, ensure that your heat pump keeps you warm through the harsh cold by servicing it from time to time. 

Most HVAC owners neglect to service their heat pump seasonally before winter because they assume it will function optimally, just like in the warmer months. But neglecting your HVAC can cost you. 

Why You Should Seasonally Maintain Your HVAC

Your heat pump, just like any other machine, needs constant maintenance

  • To increase your heat pump’s lifespan – When you regularly perform commercial heat pump maintenance, you will fix problems as they occur and prevent the development of complex maintenance issues
  • It’s economical – Any repairs made consistently over time will be far less expensive than a single wholesome repair after the heat pump suffers a complete breakdown
  • Enjoy better air quality – You should seasonally maintain your HVAC to get the most from your it

Seasonal maintenance will save you money and allow you to use the HVAC better and for longer.

Get a Professional To Maintain Your Heat Pump Today

Take advantage of the benefits of seasonal heat pump maintenance and extend your HVAC lifespan. Keep foreign elements away from your outdoor unit and elevate your heat pump to avoid costly repairs or inconvenience. 

At strategic Grounds Management, we offer technical repairs and scheduled maintenance checks for your heat pump. Get in touch with us to have your heat pump maintenance needs solved before winter.

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