Your Guide to Zero-Tolerance Removal Contracts

Your Guide to Zero-Tolerance Snow Removal Contracts

With winter right around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about how to manage snow removal for your commercial properties. Different businesses have unique requirements when it comes to managing snow — some need full removal, while others can handle moderate accumulation as long as it doesn’t pose a safety risk or disrupt operations. 

For businesses that need safe, 24/7 access to their properties — think hospitals, clinics, and 24-hour retail locations — a zero-tolerance snow removal contract is ideal. Read on to learn more about what this contract is and how you can use it to stay prepared when the storms roll in this winter. 

What is a Zero-Tolerance Snow Removal Contract? 

A zero-tolerance snow removal contract is an agreement with a contractor about the snow removal process for a property. The contract typically includes information about what areas should be cleared of snow and ice, and how often the service is required. 

Zero tolerance means there’s no minimum amount of snow that must be exceeded before the removal services are triggered. In most cases, these contracts call for continuous removal throughout weather events along with pretreatments before the storm. 

A zero-tolerance snow removal contract is a good idea if your business doesn’t have the time or budget for round-the-clock snow and ice removal. After all, winter storms can hit at any time, and knowing you have a team to handle the process can eliminate a lot of the stress that comes with severe weather. 

Different Types of Zero-Tolerance Snow Removal Contracts

There are three main types of snow removal contracts that business owners and property managers can opt for; all of which can include a zero-tolerance trigger. These include: 

1. Pay Per Event 

If you’d rather not keep track of the time and resources spent removing snow on your properties, a per-inch or per-event pricing agreement may be the way to go. This contract specifies payment in increments based on the amount of snowfall, with each increment costing the same. 

A pay-per-event contract is a common choice for properties in locations with mild-to-moderate winters. If you don’t get a lot of snow and ice in your area, it’s probably not worth it to pre-pay for a full season of service — instead, you can pay only during the occasional storm. 

2. Full-Service Seasonal Contract (Lump Sum) 

With a lump sum contract, the customer and contractor agree on a total cost of snow removal for the entire season. Once you pay the upfront fee, it doesn’t matter how much snow or ice you get on your properties, or how often — you’ll get the services you need every time. 

The primary benefit of this method is knowing exactly what you’re paying for snow removal every year, and not having to worry about extra fees. This can be especially helpful when you have multiple properties to manage, as it really streamlines the billing and budgeting process.

3. Per Service Pricing 

This type of snow removal contract specifies hourly rates for manual labor and separates prices for each category of machinery and chemical deicing agent used. Therefore, such a contract only needs payment for the services provided. 

The main benefit of a per-service contract is that it gives you the flexibility to pick and choose which services you need instead of getting a full package. For example, if you want a plan that includes simple shoveling without deicing or other services, you can lower costs by paying for that service only.

Is a Zero-Tolerance Snow Removal Contract Right for You?

If you’re a commercial property manager and need to keep your locations up and running all winter, a zero-tolerance snow removal contract can be a game changer. It means you can say goodbye to anxiously checking forecasts, scrambling to prepare before a storm, or being forced to close up shop for hours or days after snowfall. 

The key to a quality contract is to find a certified contractor you can count on — and Strategic Grounds Management fits the bill. Unlike other contractors, we provide snow removal and other maintenance services to every single property you have. That means you can leave it all to one vendor instead of having to juggle multiple for each location. 

To learn more about zero-tolerance snow removal contracts with Strategic Grounds, contact us today and get a free quote from one of our experts.

Download The Guide to Securing Snow and Ice Removal Services This Season


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