How to Preserve Your Commercial Plumbing This Winter

a pipe that has burst from being frozen

Winter can devastate your commercial plumbing if it gets cold enough to freeze your pipes. Frozen pipes can block the flow of water and ultimately burst and create water leaks if they are not treated properly.

Learning how to winterize pipes is crucial to avoid potential issues associated with frozen pipes. It helps save a lot of your money and time you would spend repairing damaged pipes during winter. 

Continue reading to learn how to preserve your commercial plumbing this winter. 

How to Winterize Pipes 

Employing various winterization tips can help you prepare for the colder season. These tips will help you keep your water supply constant during winter:

Outdoor Plumbing Winterization Tips 

The following tips will help you winterize your outdoor commercial plumbing system:

  • Disconnect the hoses: Remove and drain all your business exterior hoses. Otherwise, if you leave them connected, they may freeze, leading to pressure build-up in the indoor lines and resulting in a potential break or leak.
  • Drain your water lines: Turn off your water supply to your outdoor faucets and drain all remaining water until they’re dry. 
  • Dress up your outdoor faucet: You can protect your outdoor pipes from freezing winter temperatures by insulating them with faucet socks

Preparing Your Business for Winter With Snow and Ice Management CTA

Indoor Plumbing Winterization Tips 

You should consider the following indoor plumbing winterization tips:

  • Allow your water to flow occasionally: This is one of the best winterization tips. You must occasionally turn on your faucets and allow water to drain when the weather is at its lowest temperature. Water won’t freeze while flowing, making it a reasonable consideration despite the possibility of a higher water bill. 
  • Insulate your pipes: You should insulate the plumbing that runs through uninsulated space and exterior walls to keep the water flowing. Wrap these pipes with foam insulation with a layer of electric tape underneath. 
  • Mind your temperature: You should not allow the interior temperature of your business to go below 55 degrees Celsius. Therefore, keep track of the weather forecast and adjust the thermostat accordingly. 
  • Keep your door closed: Keep your establishment doors closed to prevent cold air from entering and affecting the plumbing along your adjacent walls. 
  • Seal all the leaks: Small holes allow air into your establishment and freeze the pipes. Therefore, check out leaks in the exterior wall switches, sockets, and plumbing, and seal them with weatherstripping, insulation, or caulking. 

Schedule Winter Plumbing Inspections 

Besides considering the above measures, regular winter plumbing inspections will help prevent damage to your commercial plumbing during winter. Look for a reliable commercial maintenance company that thoroughly inspects your plumbing system, identifies signs of weakness, and recommends appropriate measures. 

Preserve Your Commercial Plumbing System This Winter With Strategic Grounds Management 

If you’re wondering how to winterize your pipe, you should consider partnering with a reliable commercial property maintenance company. Strategic Ground Management is your trusted property maintenance solution provider for winterizing your commercial plumbing system and other plumbing services. We ensure high-quality exterior services that keep you focused on your core business. 

Contact us today to learn how we can help you preserve your plumbing system this winter. 

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