How To Prepare Your Commercial Building for Winter

Every season has its own unique requirements for maintenance, and the commencement of the winter season is a prime example. Due to the potential damage that cold weather can cause to your commercial property, it is crucial to take precautions to safeguard your tenants and your financial investment.

Here are a few things your maintenance service provider would consider when preparing your commercial building for winter:

Maintenance of the HVAC System

As the temperature drops, heating replaces air conditioning. The components of your HVAC system should be inspected and replaced as necessary. Before the cold season arrives, any damaged ductwork should be fixed and any outdated filters replaced. The maintenance crew should also make sure AC units are shut down and protected appropriately for the winter.

Preparing Your Business for Winter With Snow and Ice Management CTA

Draining the Garden Sprinkler System

Your landscaping sprinklers’ supply pipes may include some above-ground ones that are vulnerable to freezing. For the winter, the maintenance company should be able to drain the system and turn it off.

Having Snow and Ice Removal Plans

Your maintenance service provider should  have snow removal plans in place if your property is in a snowy area. Parking lots, sidewalks, and roofs are all covered. Along with clearing the snow, a strategy must be in place to avoid ice jams on rooftops, slippery ice, and other hazards.

The building’s interior should also not be left out, where snow- and mud-covered boots and shoes will enter. Maintenance crew should make sure any matting laid down to absorb the slush won’t cause a trip hazard but rather will stop people from slipping on glossy, slick floors.

Sealing Wall, Window and Door Gaps

Tenants of buildings frequently complain about drafty windows. Poorly sealed apertures in building walls, gaps around windows, and drafty doors let cold air in and drive up heating costs. Caulking and weatherstripping should be inspected for gaps and replaced or fixed as necessary. 

man applying weather stripping to a window seal

Get the Plumbing Ready

Frozen pipes are the biggest danger to plumbing during the winter. Freeze protection devices and valves should be verified and making sure that pipes are adequately insulated. In unfinished or uninhabited spaces, the heat shouldn’t be turned off. Avoiding the problem of frozen pipes will be worth paying a little bit more for heat.

Special winterization considerations must be made for complicated industrial plumbing systems that must maintain a constant pressure or temperature. To ensure that the system will continue to function normally during the winter, consult a qualified, experienced industrial plumbing provider or an all maintenance service provider.

Reduce Downtime and Minimize Disruptions

The winter season can be a challenging time for businesses. Freezing temperatures, along with snow and ice build-ups, can have a big impact on your day-to-day operations. In a worst-case scenario, you may find yourself liable for accidents or damages that occur on your property.

Taking the necessary precautions and conditioning your entire property – interior and exterior – for the changing weather helps to prevent hazards, reduce downtime, and minimize disruptions to daily business. 

If you have multiple properties that need attention during the winter months, we can assist you with consolidating your services and reducing the stress affiliated with managing them. Our expert team is available to work with you no matter where your properties are located. Contact us today to learn more! 

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